Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Being in a relationship...

Its so hard to maintain one on some days, and its like a necessity of your life without which you cant live without. If that person goes away for even a day, it feels like a lifetime, without hearing or meeting them, your day just doesnt seem to end. What is just so intriguing about it is that you had lived without them for your last 20 years or so, but now suddenly they become so important that nothing else seems to matter.

I love watching and learning from the 'Oprah Show', and I remember that once in a show on the same subject, the relationship expert lady said to a troubled woman, that there will be no one telling you like Tom Cruise said to Reene Zelleweger in a very emotional and romantic scene in the movie Jerry Maguire, 'You complete Me', It may be true, but when you are in love, are incomplete without them. And with their presence only you feel a sense of completion.

How torn you feel when you have a bad fight..or how low you feel when you havent met your loved one in you miss them when they are away.. how much you long to see them for just a moment..and how just a single smile of theirs will take every pain away, make everything right, things start to look possible..

This is magic or some say power, incredible power