Wanna go for a ice cream??

I wrote earlier that I am suffering from endometriosis (cyst found in my abdomen). It was one of the lowest and depressing stage of my life. You suddenly hear doctors talking about removing your ovaries..You are still single, perfectly healthy. And all this happening at a very fast pace. If that was not enough, you hear your parents talking about a possiblity of cancer.. I almost lost it.
Amidst all the darkness, I found a yahoo group for this disease, I joined it. It was the one of the best things I think I ever did. It opened a new door to a whole new world of information and more importantly, people like me. I read the mails of women suffering just like me, even more than me and I consider myself lucky that I didnt had to go through immense pain like them. Best part, I made friends.
My first new friend, Savi from Delhi. She was the first one to write to me after I posted in the group about my condition. I still remember how happy I was reading her reply, finding someone like me. At last I can share my pain, my worries with someone just like me. I knew a lot about tackling with this disease from her. As she was from India, the medical treatment was almost similar, so its nice to talk to her about whats the next step, when is the next check up, clarifying every small doubt and question..
A couple of days after I posted to the group, I got another reply. This was from a girl from US, Christen. While I was reading her mail, I felt like reading my own life story, thats how similar our lives were.Every small thing matched, even the post operation symptoms match.. And believe me, our birthdays are just a day apart!!! Long mails were being exchanged regarding this, and its always a pleasure reading her mails. Knowing her has made me relieved from the fact that I was too young for this disease. What happened to me exactly happened to someone else, realizing this eases half of your worries.. Talking to her lets me know what treatments are available in U.S. and what next I can do.
I can mail and tell them if I am feeling low, if I am in bad health. And always know for sure that they know what it feels like. I always get encouraging letters from them, words that have slowly removed my fear about endometriosis. Though the fear still resides, its intensity has reduced.
Thanks to these two angels.. I can now breathe freely.